“Someone preferred cake to lasagna”
APD Dinner Time!
APD Presentation
Selfintroductions: everyone describing their Halloween costume.
Dessert enjoyed as group intently listens to the presentation.
Social Hour: Mike Murphy & Susan Williams.
Patrick McMahon explaining InnoTech window system.
APA Tour
Natasha Lobato-Aljader and Jenny
Tyler Mix, Leo, and Jenny
Jenny, Leo, and Jerry Litwin
Building Materials Arrive On Site
Construction Phase
Education award to Matt Nolan
Thanks for being 2016-17 President Dave!
Skip Angell Award to Kathy Leonard
Tech Award to Mike Murphy
Thanks Basalite!
Matt Nolan - Incoming President!
Incoming officers
Hey! This is serious stuff!!
Very Out-going President Dave Bates
April Tour
Lucas Johnson
Bill Coady receives his 20 year Pin! Congratulations Bill!
Albert Rooks
Susan Williams of PPG gets her CSI Pin